Monday, April 7, 2008

An Accounting

For those who have supported the trip financially and with supplies, thank you. The group is meeting on a nearly daily basis to study tropical diseases, health disparity, and culture.

Although not finished, the current inventory that we will together contribute to the trip includes:
85 toothbrushes
several dozen infant outfits
several dozen infant receiving blankets
Soaps, shampoo, lotions
10 wrist braces (for carpal tunnel and overuse injuries)
2 full knee immobilizers (ACL and other knee injuries)
3 walking canes
56 bottles of infant and children Tylenol
Spanish children's books
School supplies including crayons, erasers, pencils, pens, etc.
5 Ace bandages
Alcohol swabs

It is amazing to watch the supplies stack up as they arrive or are purchased incrementally. It has been an outpooring of love for these people, who none of us have met. I will try to represent us well. I am working on an order for iron supplements for children in Honduras. This is a need in light of intestinal parasites, however, must be approached cautiously, as iron is a medicine that can be overdosed leading to significant harm. Instead of trying to make these decisions as a mental exercise from here, I await an email from the doctors stationed for a year in the Honduran clinic with their thoughts. T minus 5 days!

1 comment:

Liz Schlaudecker said...

I'm so glad to hear that the supplies are piling up! We're trying to gather up some ourselves here at the Schlaudecker home. We can't wait for our trip! See you in a few days!