Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hey all!

I was totally surprised this afternoon when my cell phone rang and Mark was on the other end of the line!! He had purchased a calling card and was borrowing a phone from one of the doctors stationed there. He sounds great- relaxed and happy! (In fact, he said when the urge to check work email came over him, he climbed into the hammock and ate a banana!) They had a rather quiet day, and he was headed out for a walk (with lots of water this time) as soon as it cooled off. Tomorrow is a day off for them and sounded like they had some fun activities planned. He also spent some time in the clinica kitchen today learning how to make tortillas from the ladies who run it. By report, it is much harder than it looks, but he was able to pat out and bake a few on his own! I'm hoping for a lesson when he returns.

I'll keep you posted on more emails as they come...

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