Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hey all! I just got this email from Mark:

"We are all here and safe! After 2 days of small bus travel, often over winding mountain roads through the mountains, we got to Santa L. at about 3pm today- we are 2 hours behind Cincinnati. The US docs here have greeted us warmly, given us a tour of the clinic, and fed us well (this is a recurring theme) So now we will begin to unload our boxes of supplies (which are supposedly with our luggage on a truck we loaded at the airport 2 days ago-hasn't been seen since) Our job tonight, unload, organize and restock the pharmacy and supplies here. Tomorrow I will be 1 of 2 attending on an all pediatric field clinic some miles of bumpy pickup truck ride away. I will also serve as attending at the clinic here. We already had a woman deliver her 6th baby as we were sitting down to dinner. She arrived here about an hour before the baby. We are well supplied, well staffed, well fed, and temperatures are about 80 with a little blessed rain. Not so much roughing it. I've almost filled a 1 GB card...good thing I've got 6."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you arrived safely. Have you had any of the real corn tortillas yet?

It's amazing what mountain-bus transportation can do for your prayer life...