Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Packing up

From Mark this morning:

"Good morning! It is 10 after 5am here, and I am up, somewhat cleaned up, and packed. I took call last night, but the last patient was at about 10pm. So I got some sleep before the roosters woke me up at 4:40. Not the mention the gecko that I thought was someone knocking at the door multiple times last night. So, we're done with our medical work here- which feels very surreal; seems like we've been here about 5 days. Anyway we driving to El Progresso now, and flying out of San Pedro tomorrow. Supposedly we're stopping to see a big waterfall on our way today."

Hey all:

Bess here. They are scheduled to arrive at Cincinnati Airport tomorrow at 10:15 pm. I don't suspect we'll get any more emails from Mark before he returns home, but I'll keep you posted on his airplane progress tomorrow as I watch it on the computer! We can't wait to have him home!

1 comment:

rnorris6939 said...

A Very Big Thank You to Mark and Bess for allowing us to enjoy your adventures in Honduras. We appreciated being able to share in your experiences and appreciated your field reporting!