Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Morning News

From Mark this morning:
"Good morning! I worked last night on emergency patients, which were really just urgent care acute issue patients. We finished that about 9pm, missing dinner, but thankfully someone had set aside a few plates of rice, vegetables, and chicken in addition to pretty much an entire pineapple that just melted when you bit into it. No overnight issues, but got called to the clinic just before breakfast that a woman needed to be seen now with severe abdominal pain, before clinic opens at 8am. The resident is across the hall seeing her. We do have a chart system, and were able to find record that she was seen here only a week ago, diagnosed with pancreatitis and sent to the tertiary hospital for appendectomy. Off to field clinic again today."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the updates, it's great to follow your adventure from here. We are praying for you.

- El hermano del doctor