Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On Call

From Mark last night:

"I'm still on call tonight. We worked all day in the clinic- a lot of chronic belly pain interspersed with diagnosis of new pregnancy, strange skin rash still not clear diagnosis, ear infection, and checking on the baby that was born overnight- all is well. Strange how we are all working to understand what resources we really have and how to use them or conserve them. Do we really need a pregnancy test? do they really need a full month of antacids? how about 2 weeks. I may be up tonight depending, so I'm off to bed. Looks like I may have a lighter work schedule tomorrow, so may be more email. My Spanish isn't getting any better, but I'm trying it more often. A little boy showed me how to use his homemade wooden top today- slick little toy. I can't make it work, which makes him very happy."

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